~Need For Speed A couple of quick driving tips. þ Some turns are best taken at lower speeds. Apply brakes, downshift or handbrake are good ways of taking corners quicker and better. You'll see a much improved in your car's handling. þ The handbrake will allow you to do controlled slides around corners. Never use it though when travelling at high speeds. þ Holding the gas down all the time is a sure way to lose. To take a tight turn at high speed (like the final turn in Autumn Valley) you can simply crank the steering wheel at the beginning of the turn like normal, and while it's held there, just quickly tap the handbrake button. The car will go into a nice easy slide and the nose will swing around to face into the turn for a perfect recovery. And if you do it well, you won't lose too much speed either! þ Learn the way each car controls, by making use of the Time Trials. þ The computer opponents will normally always take the racing line to watch them, to gain advantage for later racing. þ To get the maximum speed around a corner, position your car correctly so you can cut deep in to it and then have enough drift to begin accelerating before exiting. þ Get a good start and pass as many cars as possible as you can, as this will make life easier once your fighting for the higher placings. The best way to do this is to keep revs high in the neutral and then change into first gear when the green light shows. þ Especially on the open tracks, keep an eye on the map, as your memory might decieve you, into thinking what there isn't !! þ The use of manual transmission can help to slow you down and allow you to take corners easier. þ Use the mirror with the inside car view and you can then make good use of the mirror to block cars trying to overtake.